About Us
The Trinidad and Tobago Contractors Association (TTCA) was established in 1968 by Mr. Granville Johnson, Mr. McDonald Murrell, Mr. Lepold Arthur, and Mr. Emile Elias. It serves as a platform for members to gain access to construction-related training and uphold set standards within the sector. The TTCA also advocates for contractors, working tirelessly to promote growth and development of the industry for their members and the public at large.The Association has been active for 55 years, operating in the Industrial, Residential, Commercial and Institutional Sectors. It consists of various sizes of firms, including general contractors, manufacturers and specialty construction suppliers.
The TTCA is managed by a Board of ten (10) Directors, including a President, Vice President and Secretary, who are owners or executives/officers of companies in the construction sector.
Members are elected to the Board at the Association’s Annual General Meeting and it should be noted these positions are volunteer-based without any remuneration. The TTCA Board of Directors have consistently been dedicated and committed, bringing their individual skills, knowledge, training and professional experience to provide guidance and direction for the Association.
The TTCA Secretariat is managed by a General Manager and supported by a small team.
Collectively, they spearhead numerous noteworthy efforts that are highly relevant to the construction sector in Trinidad and Tobago.
The Trinidad and Tobago Contractors Association works to support the construction sector in the nation by emphasizing the abilities, integrity and reliability of those involved in building Trinidad and Tobago.
We strive to meet the needs of our members amid a fluctuating political and economic landscape through training, advocacy, job site safety programs, adoption of advanced technology and forming strong partnerships between all relevant stakeholders.

Our Mission
The mission of our organization is to consistently address the evolving political and economic landscape by actively engaging in training programs, advocating for our members, enhancing job site safety, expanding the use of advanced technology, and strengthening relationships among all associated member groups and owners. The TTCA carries out its mission by prioritizing the following key areas within the construction industry: promoting contractor integrity, providing a strong and cohesive voice on issues impacting members, serving as a regulatory body for our members, supporting the development and application of industry-related skills through comprehensive training, pursuing continuous improvement of fair practices and policies for the sector, mandating excellence in health and safety practices, and ensuring the provision of exceptional service to members and the public as appropriate.