
Join the TTCA Membership

Become part of a United Voice for the Construction Sector

Annual Turnover and Dues

A. $500,000 – $1 Million: Dues $1,687.50 (Micro)

B. Over $1 Million – $5 Million: Dues $3,375 (Small)

C. Over $5 Million – $15 Million: Dues $5,906.25 (Medium)

D. Over $15- $25 Million: Dues $11,250 (Large)

E. Over $25 Million: Dues $16,875 (Mega)

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us directly at 627-1266 or email us: [email protected]

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Membership Application Form

Upload copies of the following: 1. Company's Registration Certificate. 2. VAT Registration Certificate. 3. Public Liability Insurance Certificates. 4. Workmen's Compensation Insurance. 5. Judgements (registered or unregistered) or any court action against the Company.
Sponsors/Professional References - For credibility purposes, have two (2) sponsors, who are members of the TTCA give their recommendation

Empowering Trinidad and Tobago’s Construction Industry